Wilmington NC Traffic Stops | How to Deal with Police

Stopped by a police officer? Our clients often make mistakes in dealing with the police that have a seriously negative impact on their case. These mistakes don’t only happen after they are given their Miranda Warning. The following are our top suggestions for dealing with law enforcement during Wilmington NC traffic Stops:

1. You have the right to remain silent. Keep your mouth shut.

2. You have the right to refuse searches unless the officer has a search warrant. This includes your vehicle. You don’t have to let them search.

3. Never touch an officer or a police animal.

4. Ask if you are free to go. If you are, leave as soon as possible.

5. Never run from the police.

6. Don’t do anything illegal within view of a officer.

7. Never threaten an officer.

8. Be calm. Be polite. Do not volunteer any information.

9. Call your attorney ASAP.

10. The police are allowed to lie to you. Don’t assume that they are telling the truth.


If you have had any interaction with law enforcement or believe that you are under active investigation, contact an attorney immediately to be sure your rights are protected. It is never too early to contact an attorney, but it can be too late.


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