
FRAUD WARNING! Funds to The Law Group & Wire Instructions: Due to the volume of fraudulent checks, all funds (including earnest and escrow money) for real estate transactions must be WIRED to The Law Group. This means that we do not accept any form of check or ACH transfers. Before sending any wire, call our office to verify our wiring instructions. We will not change wiring instructions. If you receive wiring instructions for a different bank, branch location, account name, or account number, they should be presumed to be fraudulent. Do not send any funds and contact our office immediately. Failure to follow this procedure endangers your funds. Further, because of fraudulent intercept of wiring instructions, we do not wire outgoing funds. Fraud is constantly on the rise, and our safety procedures are in place for your protection.

SAFETY MEASURES: We are concerned about your health and our team’s health. Our team has been trained to carefully monitor their health, the health of their families, and anyone who enters our office. We request that our team, clients, and visitors wash and/or sanitize their hands frequently and to follow other proper hygiene etiquette. We respectfully request that any clients or visitors postpone their appointments if they are sick. To protect you and our team, we are scheduling many appointments as telephone conferences. Thank you for your understanding.

UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW: The North Carolina State Bar has determined that the performance of most acts and services required for a closing constitutes the practice of law and must be performed only by an attorney licensed to practice law in North Carolina. State law prohibits unlicensed individuals or firms from rendering legal services or advice. Although non-attorney settlement agents may perform limited services in connection with a closing, they may not perform all the acts and services required to complete a closing. A closing involves significant legal issues that should be handled by an attorney. Accordingly it is the position of the North Carolina Bar Association and the North Carolina Association of REALTORS® that all buyers should hire an attorney licensed in North Carolina to perform a closing.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission has been sent by a lawyer. It may contain information that is confidential, privileged, proprietary, or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message, any part of it, or any attachments. If you have received this message in error, please delete this message and any attachments from your system without reading the content and notify the sender immediately of the inadvertent transmission. There is no intent on the part of the sender to waive any privilege, including the attorney-client privilege, that may attach to this communication. Thank you for your cooperation. Feel free to send us electronic mail. However, you are advised that the act of sending electronic mail to a lawyer at this Firm does not alone create an attorney-client relationship. Unless you are already a client of the firm, your electronic mail will not be privileged and may be disclosed to another person. Even if you are a client, remember that electronic mail on the Internet is not secure and that you should avoid including sensitive, confidential information in unencrypted messages.

CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the Treasury Department, we inform you that any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) in not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.