New Roadways

If you live in Wilmington, North Carolina you are very familiar with the construction happening in the area.  Besides new apartment buildings and new housing developments popping up left and right, so are new roadways, streets, bypasses, and highways.  These developments may affect you if the N.C. Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) needs a piece of your land or the entire property!

The fact remains that in N.C. your property may be of interest to the D.O.T. in order to build a new intersection or roadway, and if they want it, they can TAKE IT!  If a property owner receives notice from the NCDOT regarding taking their property, it is imperative that the property owner seeks legal guidance.

There are many factors that should be considered before a property owner accepts an offer from NCDOT.  Property owners deserve a fair value for their property.  The Law Group will ensure that the proper steps are taken when defending the property rights of individuals in Wilmington, North Carolina facing eminent domain.


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