DUI Punishment in NC
You can read the first part of our post on DUI punishments here where we discussed Sentencing Guidelines in DUI Cases.
In addition to jail and/or fines, you can expect some other consequences to a DWI conviction.
Community Services
Community service may be available for Level 3, 4 or 5 offenders and is at the discretion of the court for Level 1 and 2 offenders. If you are ordered to serve community service, xpect between 24 and 72 hours which must be completed within a specified time frame.
DUI/DWI School
NC requires attendance of an alcohol safety school and/or substance abuse counseling for all DUI/DWI convictions. If you have never had a DWI/DUI offense and had a breathalyzer reading of .14 or less, you did not refuse the Breathalyzer, and your initial assessment did not identify an alcohol or drug abuse problem you will be assigned to ADETS (Alcohol and Drug Education Traffic School). ADETS is a 10 hour program and costs about $75.00.
Probation may be possible based upon the judge and the the circumstances surrounding your individual case.
You vehicle may be impounded for up to 10 days and you must pay impound fees
License restriction:
After restoration of your license, a restriction is placed on first time offender’s license prohibiting them from driving with a BAC at or above .04 for 3 years. The restriction is noted on the back of your driver’s license and in your driving record. A violation is an implied consent offense and will result in at least a 1 year revocation of your license.
Between July 2008 and June 2009, there were 44,832 DWI convictions in North Carolina. It is very important in a DWI case that you contact an attorney quickly. You need to begin the process of seeking treatment and can work on getting your license back as quickly as possible. We are here and ready to help you with your DWI case. Contact us today.
As always, we remain Focused on Your Rights.