Appealing Unemployment Denial NC: Get the Benefits You Deserve.

In a previous post, we discussed the basic process for filing for unemployment benefits with the Employment Security Commission (ESC) in North Carolina. Today, let’s take a look at how to challenge the ESC’s decision if you have received a denial of benefits.

After you file your claim for benefits (what the ESC refers to as a NIC), you will receive a determination letter in the mail. This letter will state the determination that the the ESC has made in your case, a reason for that determination and a conclusion which, if your benefits were denied, will likely end with “Based on the foregoing, it is concluded that the claimant left work without good cause attributable to the employer.”

It is important to read the bottom of this letter as it includes an Appeal Rights Expiration Date as well as a paragraph describing your appeal rights and refers the claimant to the pamphlet included with your determination entitled “Procedures for Appealing an Adjudicator’s Determination””.

At this point, it is strongly advisable that you file your appeal at any local ESC office or mail your appeal to the Adjudication Unit to the address at the top of the Denial letter. We always advise our clients to appeal in person and to retain a copy of the appeal filed with the local office for their records.

Once your appeal has been filed, it is strongly advisable that your contact our office to schedule a consultation. The appeals process provides an opportunity to present your evidence to a Hearing Officer or Appeals Referee, allows you or your attorney to cross-examine your employer and often results in a reversal of your prior denial of benefits.

We would be happy to further discuss your case with a free consultation. Getting your unemployment benefits are important to us. We can help you get the benefits that you deserve.


NC Unemployment Hearings Process


Unemployment Benefits in North Carolina